Monday, 4 January 2016

I am a Big Girl now

Recently I like to imitate mummy and daddy, for example I can wear my clothes and shoes with little assistance. Moreover, I am interested to use the toilet like mummy & daddy. Mummy reckons I am ready for toilet traininhg, so she guides me through this journey using the training pack from Huggies.

Here are my favourite pink potty & toilet ladder.

From the very beginning I received stickers and lots of praise & cuddles when I kept my knickers dry. You will notice my wall chart is full of stickers now.

Oh not to forget mentioning my friend Zee Zee has set a great example for me. She goes to the toilet herself and I want to be like her too. Of course accidents occurred when I was too engaged in my playtime or when we were at a new environment, mummy & daddy said its alright and we moved on.

Gradually, I go to the toilet myself without any prompting. Keeping my knickers clean & dry makes me feel good :) Finally, when I am able to poo poo in the toilet, I received the biggest award - a princess "Big Girl" certificate.
 I'm very proud!

Next step - sleep through the night without nappy :)

from "Big Girl" BIM

Here are some of the useful links:

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